Global Science

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Water Testing Connection

Whittney and I chose the topic of Composts.
Our action plan will be based mainly on composts. We will be drawing up a plan to have the school start a compost. There will be compost bins at lunch were kids can put leftover food in. After school we could bring the bins outside to a universal compost bin where the lunch bins will be dumped. After the compost turns to dirt we will use it to plant beautiful flowers and gardens around the school.
In our bio bottle we will be testing the new compostable Sunchip bag. We will be using the bag as the dependant variable in the bottle and nothing but a normal bio bottle as the other. Over a long period of time we will see if the bag really does composts or not.
The river test and our action plan are related in a couple of ways. The river test we will do is called BOD (biological oxygen demand). This shows how healthy the water is by the amount that micro-organism take in over a period of 5 days. This is related to our action plan to determine if the compost is healthy to sustain life and be unharmful to it as well.