Global Science

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Bad Atronomy Blog

Two fact that I had are:
1. People use telescopes to see stars in space.
2. The sun would increase the temperature of the comet that is exposed to it.
I was right about these things because I have witnessed seeing stars through a telescope. Also the first temp of a comet that was measured was 700 farenheit. This was hot and it was caused by the sun and the reflectivity of the comet itself.

Two things i found that were wrong were:
1. The astronuat whose face was burned would get burned worse.
2. The Comet wouldn't make sound
I was wrong in the 1st one because in Bad Astronomy, the said that it wouldn't have been as bad. In the 2nd one I was right because sound needs a medium to travel through and there isn't air in space to make the sounds.

What if the Sun Turned into a Black Hole
What I think Before: I think that the solar system (trom mercury to pluto) will be sucked into it and turn into nothingness.
I learned: that the gravity on Earth wouldn't change. i also learned that until you get to about 700000 km the gravity would be the same, but after that it would the tides of the oceans on the Earth could rip you apart.