Global Science

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Connection of 2 Green Book Climate Labs

In Activity One we learned about heat absorption in water, light soil, and dark soil. Dark soil heated up the quickest and gradually dropped temp. Water took longest to heat up but kept its heat the most. Light soil was in between both during heating up and cooling down. I knew the dark soil would heat up the fastest but i was clueless on how the water would react at all.

Activity Four, was on how the climate heated up with the Dark soil A, Dark Soil with Clouds B, Light Soil C, Light Soil with Clouds D, Water E, water with clouds F. The results where close to Activity 1 except the ones with clouds had an increase in temp. I got the data i excpected since i knew prior to this about the basics because of Activity 1.

The Small scale labs where a very good example of how Earth's climate works. It helped me understand how in different parts of the world would have a certain type of climate based on their soil and if they had clouds. The climate with light soil and no clouds would resemble drought the most. It has heat but not too much and during the night it gets really cold because there isn't any moisture or clouds in the air to keep the warm in.